Friendship Students


Sunday - 9:45 Sunday School, 11AM Worship Service, 6pm evening Bible study | Wednesday - 6:30pm bible study

Friendship Student Ministry

We want all of our youth to know Jesus Christ and to find their ultimate joy and satisfaction in Him. We have designed our youth ministry to deepen understanding of the greatness of our God and to give encouragement in the pursuit of godliness. Friendship Student Ministry ranges in student age from 6th through 12th grade. We have Bible Study on Sunday morning at 9:45 am and Wednesday evening at 6:15 pm. 


March 7-9, 2025 - $65

Merge Weekend is a three-day event held from Friday to Sunday, where participants come together for worship, discipleship, fellowship, and outreach. During this weekend, attendees stay in host homes and join with other local churches for powerful times of worship, teaching, and community.


Student Life Camp

June 2-6, 2025

Next summer we will be headed to Cleveland, TN and Lee University for a week long Mission Camp. This is a trip that you don't want to miss! More info will be coming soon but if you are interested in attending just fill out the form. There will be some scholarships available to cover costs for those who want to go but can not afford it.


Current Wednesday Night Study

Side By Side

"Side by Side" is a 2-week series in the that focuses on some meaningful friendships from the Bible. We weren’t created to live a life of isolation or on our own. A Christ-centered community is a massive benefit to our spiritual growth. But to have good friends, we must learn to be good friends. This series will help students see some of the finer points of friendships. 

Youth Messaging Service

We use MinHub Portal for announcements and to communicate with both Youth and Parents. You can follow these instructions to sign up. This allows you to communicate straight with the Youth Pastor anytime you need or have questions. If you have any issues getting signed in just let Marc know.